Home Holoclip Project Strategy and work plan





Strategy and work plan

WP1: Calibrating proxy data against modern processes in the Project studied areas. Leaders: Guillaume Massé and Hans Oerter.
In this WP we will obtain and analyse water column, sediment trap and sediment samples (from short marine cores covering the instrumental period). Shallow firn cores, snow pits, aerosol and precipitation samples from the available sites (e.g. Concordia, Kohnen, Neumayer Stations) will also be used to support the interpretation of paleo-records from deep ice cores. Marine and ice core datasets will be compared with the instrumental datasets available and interpreted with respect to modern climate and recent climate changes. Key information on the current seasonal variations of proxies and processes controlling marine productivity will be gained from WP1 with a special focus on the role of sea-ice.

WP2: Reconstructing Holocene climate/environmental changes from ice and marine cores in Project selected areas. Leaders: Xavier Crosta and Barbara Delmonte.
In this WP we will integrate climate and environmental information obtained from the ice and marine records available from all JRP IPs. This will offer a unique opportunity to gain a better climate perspective at continental and regional scales. We will focus on the identification of amplitude, frequencies and timing of climate change in both marine and ice core records. WP2 will address high-accumulation sites from West and East Antarctica, and the surrounding continental shelves, to gain insight on Holocene climate change at the regional scale. The IODP ADEL01 (240 m of Holocene age) site will allow a focus on the last 2000 years at unprecedented resolution (<1-2 years) to document the persistence of the climate modes forcing inter-annual climate variability at high southern latitudes (ENSO, AAD). A deep ice core at the near coastal site of Talos Dome (72° 49' S, 159° 11' E; 2315 m), drilled in the framework of the international project TALDICE (http://www.taldice.org), will provide new high-resolution data set for the Holocene.

WP3: Understanding the links and feedbacks among the different components of high latitude southern climate, by integrating ice and marine proxies with models. Leaders: Hans Renssen, Valerie Masson and Ester Colizza.
Simulations will be performed over the whole Holocene using the climate model LOVECLIM, with and without data assimilation. A special attention will be given to the last millennium both to test the methodology and to analyse higher frequency changes for a period over which the resolution of the data is higher. The simulations without data assimilation will provide information on the forced system response. Besides, the simulations with data assimilation will reproduce the changes driven by both the forcing and the internal system variability. The comparison between data-assimilated simulations, "standard" simulations, and proxy data will allow investigating model biases that can be cured by data assimilation as well as determining if the various proxy data available are consistent with model dynamics. Finally, all the available information will be used to analyse the mechanisms responsible for observed climate development, with a particular focus on regional differences and their links with changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation and in the sea-ice cover.